Participating in a conference is not only a great way to gain experience in presenting work, but a conference is also an excellent way to develop networks by meeting colleagues from other schools.
I recently attended the Eastern Canadian Sport & Exercise Symposium. I was able to present a study in which I am currently involved as a research assistant. Throughout my academic life I have only had experience working on studies that are quantitative in nature. However, this study is qualitative and so presenting the proposal for this study was a challenge. I had to develop expertise in the analysis of a topic with which I was not familiar. It was a very good opportunity to expand my horizons and increase my analytical knowledge.
Also at this conference I had the opportunity to listen to a professor discuss the publishing process. This was helpful to me as I am currently in the midst of preparing my undergraduate thesis and hope to have it published. It was also interesting listening to this professor because he taught me in two classes during my undergraduate time at Queen’s. I had the chance to speak with him briefly after his talk to find out where he is now and what he is currently studying.
Overall conferences are a fantastic experience. Not only are they educational in nature, but they provide a chance to socialize with colleagues in a more relaxed environment and get to know people beyond their research.